Now that we’re getting settled in Miami and I have a little more time on my hands (like, all day, 5 days a week), I’d like to start sharing some additional posts about what’s going on in my life, challenges and ideas for addressing common problems, in addition to the usual recipe stuff.
- Tighter Food Budget. We’re now a 1-income family so its suddenly a little more important to stick to a food budget each month. Add to this the fact that we’re in temporary housing this month and its suddenly very important that I use what we have in the house before flitting out to the grocery store for a bunch of additional ingredients.
- I’m pregnant. Not only am I ALWAYS hungry, but I’m also (usually) trying to feed the belly with nutritious stuff to help the baby (and the momma) stay healthy and strong. This means I’m not willing to compromise on ingredient quality….I’m still eating a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables, choosing organic ingredients whenever possible and generally trying to get plenty of variety. When you’re prego, you also never want to be TOO full or TOO hungry (both are notorious for causing nausea), so I try to take in a steady stream of little bites throughout the day.
- I’m home all day now. This means I feel extra pressure to munch on leftovers, graze from whatever is in the fridge and generally try to avoid running out to the grocery store or a quick-serve restaurant every 30 minutes just because I have time time (b/c we don’t necessarily have the money!). But as a food freak, I’m easily bored by leftovers and the idea of eating the exact same thing over and over again. If thats my only choice, I’m often tempted just to skip eating altogether which is not currently an option (see #2).
- Sunday: Grain salad with chicken, green beans, and corn
- Monday: Saigon Salad w/cabbage, green beans, red peppers & shrimp, w/pita bread on the side (already had the green beans, herbs and spices in the house. bought the shrimp (sale), cabbage and red pepper)
- Tuesday: Shrimp & spinach quesadillas w/black bean & corn salad (used leftover Monday shrimp, leftover Sunday corn, had the black beans and tortillas in the pantry)
- Wednesday: Quinoa, red pepper & mushroom veggie burgers in pita pockets with Asian coleslaw & baked sweet potatoes (had the quinoa and most of the other ingreds for the veggie burgers on-hand, also had the cabbage & other slaw ingredients on-hand; bought the sweet potatoes and burger toppings)
i love this. thank you for sharing :)-meg@
i love this. thank you for sharing :)-meg@