Well, that isn’t very pretty, is it? Geh. I’ve officially given up on the pretty photos thing. JiT doesn’t even offer to help anymore. Oh well.
Frankly, there’s a lot I’ve given up on lately. Adjusting to life in Miami has been harder than we’d anticipated. Our budget is much tighter than we thought it would be (everything here costs more than we expect). Many of the things we used to feel passionately about seem non-existent here (things like local food and good farmer’s markets for one, Chicago sports for another). Its been more difficult to fit in and make friends. The local climate poses all sorts of interesting challenges — its too hot to spend much time outside (I know….June in Miami, DUH) and there are pests everywhere (mosquitos, fleas, millipeeds, roaches…eeew!).
I know its not nice to complain….there are plenty of amazing things about this place too. We have our very own pool, we’re just a few blocks from the beach, I’ve been able to be at home with relatively little stress throughout most of my pregnancy. All good things. But the more pregnant I get, the more homesick I seem to get too.
JiT has been incredibly patient with me….helping get the baby’s room finished (see pic…yay!!!),
<img src="http://static1.squarespace.com/static/55413e07e4b0cd39c01f4040/5546dc6de4b09a1d83e23aad/5546dc77e4b09a1d83e23d68/1430707666131//img.jpg boy am I glad he did!
MY darling dear, I can't believe you are already so close to full term. It seems like it happened in a minute to me though it is likely different for you. I don't know if it helps or hinders but you are deeply missed in Chicago. You'd be shocked by how hard it is to find a farmers market friend in the hood. That said, I'm gone most of the time. When this swath of nomadic living passes though, Miami is tops on my list. Already know I'll be there next spring for a conference but want an early fall trip too. There's someone I desperately want to meet 🙂
MY darling dear, I can't believe you are already so close to full term. It seems like it happened in a minute to me though it is likely different for you. I don't know if it helps or hinders but you are deeply missed in Chicago. You'd be shocked by how hard it is to find a farmers market friend in the hood. That said, I'm gone most of the time. When this swath of nomadic living passes though, Miami is tops on my list. Already know I'll be there next spring for a conference but want an early fall trip too. There's someone I desperately want to meet 🙂
Hooray for a finished nursery! The room looks fantastic. The soup sounds really good as well.
Hooray for a finished nursery! The room looks fantastic. The soup sounds really good as well.
Nice recipe.. Thanks for sharing Cilantro Lime Chicken Soup… 36 weeks pregnant
Nice recipe.. Thanks for sharing Cilantro Lime Chicken Soup… 36 weeks pregnant