Freelance Work! I love, love, love being able to work while I’m home with Lillian. Of course, being a mom, wife and homemaker is priority ONE, but being able to have a career (even just a little one), is so immensely satisfying. Since the start of 2012, I’ve been working pretty steadily with a handful of clients. I’m doing everything from media coordination to trade show work to press release writing to recipe development and testing. Most days I’m able to squeeze work in during Lilly’s naps and after her bedtime. So far, I’ve been able to strike a pretty good balance. I love the work I’m doing….writing is so much fun and the culinary work is literally my dream come true. The fact that I’m getting paid for this stuff is the icing on the cake. Icing that we’re using to pay for an anniversary trip next month to Las Vegas ; )

I'm glad that you're settling into a routine and that you've hit your stride. Its important to take time for yourself in the midst of everything going on around you.
I'm glad that you're settling into a routine and that you've hit your stride. Its important to take time for yourself in the midst of everything going on around you.