Its no secret that I had a difficult time adjusting to the new reality after having Max. Some days the very thought of having to prepare dinner with two small children underfoot was enough to make me weep. During that time, someone from our church suggested we sign up to receive a weekly meal from the church’s volunteer meal delivery ministry. For several months, a kind stranger would knock on my door each Thursday afternoon and drop off a hot, delicious dinner, sometimes complete with dessert. On other days, neighbors and friends often appeared with gourmet soups, fresh baked loaves of bread and other goodies that reminded me how incredibly lucky we were to live in such a wonderful place, surrounded by wonderful friends.
As soon as our family life returned to normal (whatever that means), I made a point to sign up for that ministry at our church, this time as a volunteer cook. If a friend or neighbor is having a baby or there is an illness or other struggle, I make a point to drop by with a meal or a pan of brownies. Whatever I can do to repay the Universe for all the good that came our way during that time and every day since.
When my friends at Inspired Home asked me to write an article about creative meal ideas to share in these situations, I jumped at the chance. I’ve gotten pretty good at coming up with unexpected dinners that double. As soon as I’m done serving my kids, I can pack up the rest of the meal for a neighbor or friend. Visit Inspired Home for my carnitas tacos and a recipe for roasting two whole chickens in one pan. In the winter months, make an enormous pot of your favorite soup or even two skillets full of frittata. Even if you’re not sure who you’re making it for when you start, chances are you’ll think of someone who’ll be grateful by the time its ready.
Amazing what your church and the neighbors are doing. Great idea! Happy that you’re helping too. Very nice 🙂 – Regine
Amazing what your church and the neighbors are doing. Great idea! Happy that you’re helping too. Very nice 🙂 – Regine