Today I am thirty six years old. I woke up in my own bed next to a husband that I adore, with a silly dog warming my feet and two children blissfully asleep down the hall. I spent the 5 previous nights in the French countryside, sipping wine, laughing at my awful French pronunciation and holding hands with the love of my life.
Today I am grateful for my incredible, handsome, inspiring husband who thinks I am more special that I ever believe I am. I am grateful for my parents who bravely, graciously watched our children while we travelled. For the children who love me as much as I love them and more than I usually deserve, the family, friends, clients, mentors, caregivers, neighbors and acquaintances who keep me laughing, moving, changing, growing and challenging myself. Today I am grateful for the cake in the oven and the bouquet of flowers on the table. For all the amazing people who have helped make these 36 years memorable. Today I am a few pounds heavier, my hair is a little grayer and my smile has a few more laugh lines but heart is fuller than I can ever remember.
Today I am overwhelmed by the fact that my birthday wish list is empty. Since my wishes have already come true, I’ve overwritten my list with good intentions, one for every candle on my cake. These are the things that I have done today or plan to do to pay it forward. I invite you to make your own list. Do it for my birthday or do it for your own birthday or for your kid’s birthday. The occasion matters less than the intention behind it. Maybe if we all combine our good intentions, the results will burn brighter than birthday candles. #ProjectBirthdayCandles
- Make a birthday donation to one of my favorite charities
- Buy a gift from the Amazon Wishlist of another favorite charity
- Donate 36 cans of food to our local food pantry
- Say “yes” to the next person who asks me for my spare change
- Pay for the person behind me next time I’m at Starbucks
- Spend an extra 36 minutes reading stories to my kids this week
- Play fetch with Zoey (her favorite), making sure to toss the ball at least 36 times
- Watch Wheel of Fortune with my Grandma
- Invite our neighbor’s kids over for a playdate so their mom can have a break
- Make a meal for a family in need through our church’s volunteer meal program
- Take charge of bath and bedtime so that Jon can play guitar after work more often
- Add an extra $36 to our church tithe envelope this Sunday
- Spend 36 minutes doing puzzles with Lilly
- Spend 36 minutes playing cars with Max
- Donate treats to our local animal shelter
- Call my sister
- Send a box of baby clothes to my best friend
- Buy flowers for our babysitter because she’s incredible
- Pick up trash and throw it away the next time I see some on the sidewalk
- Give some of our garden tomatoes to a neighbor
- Drop off a box of unused toys and clothes to the charity around the corner
- Have a family dance party in the living room
- Organize some games for the neighborhood kids at our block party
- Send a thank you note to an old colleague who really inspired me
- Take a meal to a friend who just had a baby
- Get up early with the kids so Jon can go for a morning jog
- Connect a couple of clients/colleagues/friends who could help and inspire one another
- Cook stuffed peppers for my husband because he loves them
- Volunteer to help with the children’s liturgy program at church
- Take my mom out for lunch without the kids
- Take Zoey for a walk, just the two of us
- Take Lilly to the park, just the two of us
- Take Max to story time at the library, just the two of us
- Say “yes” the next time the cashier at Walgreens asks if I want to donate $5 to charity
- Say “yes” the next time the petco cashier asks if I want to donate $5 to charity
- Sign up as a volunteer with the local food pantry
I love your list! It is inspiring. My birthday is in about a month, so I have a little time to think on my list and I have a few more candles to fill in…42!
I love your list! It is inspiring. My birthday is in about a month, so I have a little time to think on my list and I have a few more candles to fill in…42!
Beautiful Rebecca. Life is short. God is good and remembering others as a celebration of God’s gift of life is awesome. As we say at our church…Upward, Inward, Outward….Love God fully. Love yourself wholly so that you can love others correctly.
Happy birthday!
Beautiful Rebecca. Life is short. God is good and remembering others as a celebration of God’s gift of life is awesome. As we say at our church…Upward, Inward, Outward….Love God fully. Love yourself wholly so that you can love others correctly.
Happy birthday!
You are a kind, sensitive young woman who makes me very proud! Happy birthday! Love you😍
You are a kind, sensitive young woman who makes me very proud! Happy birthday! Love you😍