Days can feel so long with little ones sometimes. Especially when you’re stuck inside the house. Even the most wonderful toys lose their magic after awhile and suddenly you realize everyone has been parked in front of the television for half the day. On days like this, I often find myself searching Pinterest for fun ideas but, since I’m not always a great planner, my favorite activity are always the ones I can throw together at a moment’s notice with items we usually have on-hand. Here I’ve put together a list of our all-time favorite 8 Easy Activities to keep little kids busy:
- Make 2-Ingredient Cloud Dough: Who knew flour and vegetable oil could be so much fun?Ā
- Make Homemade Playdough: I like to buy it at the Dollar Store, but in a pinch, its SO easy to make. Really!
- Make Fizzy Rainbows: Its science, its fun. Its SOOOO easy to set up. Plus RAINBOWS!
- Make Greek Yogurt Finger Paint: This is great if you have toddlers who put everything in their mouths. Its messy fun you can eat.
- Create a Craft PomPom Sensory Bin: Admittedly, if you don’t hoard stuff from the craft store the way I do, this one might be a stretch. But you could also use cotton balls. Not as colorful but I bet your little ones won’t care!
- Play a Game of Pop Scotch: I haven’t even done a separate story on this one yet but its too good not to include. Especially if you’ve got some kiddos with a bad case of the wiggles. This is one to get them moving. Its a Hop Scotch Board Made from Bubble Wrap. Get it? Pop Scotch!Ā Whenever you have packages delivered, hang on to the bubble wrap! When the kids are crawing the walls, use painters tape to secure the bubble wrap squares to the floor in a hop scotch board pattern. Write numbers on them with a permanent marker and use a bean bag or other small object to mark your board. The kids will love the sound it makes when the hop!
- Create a Measure, Scoop, Sift Sensory Bin from Items in your Pantry: Plus, you can clean out your pantry at the same time. Get rid of any leftover bits of beans, pasta, lentils, rice, etc and let the kids have some fun.Ā
- Create a Crinkle Paper Garden Sensory Bin: This one is just so cute! And keeps them super busy!
You’ve got to have the stuff in the house for at least one of these. Weather you’re in the middle of a snow day, sick day, spring break or summertime, I hope these ideas create as much fun at your house as they’ve created at ours. (If nothing else, just try the fizzy rainbows. My kids ADORE the fizzy rainbows.)
And since you’re going to want to pin these for later, here’s a handy pinnable: