You’re six now, Lillian. That thing that all those crazy old ladies at the supermarket used to say would happen has happened: I blinked and you grew up.

Beautiful, strong, whip-smart and well spoke. At once polite and assertive. A natural performer. You’ve become a force physically too: a graceful dancer, a warrior on the monkey bars, fearless and skilled in the pool.
A thoughtful friend and prolific artist. Your inherent leadership skills continue to bloom. I love watching you organize impromptu performances and games with your friends and your brother.
Your interests have evolved from princesses and fairytales to science and storytelling. Your joy upon receiving your very own library card melted my heart.
We still have our moments. We are both strong willed and that doesn’t always make for the smoothest journey. But its an amazing journey and one I feel blessed to be part of. You remain my greatest challenge but, above all, my greatest accomplishment. Sometimes I have to stop myself. To pause and really see you for the miracle you are and the incredible individual you are becoming. Because you are the greatest, most ambitious gift I’ve ever been given. Thank you for being you, my glorious child. I love you.